When choosing paint for your interior, Lime Paint and Mineral Paint are both excellent options, each with their own unique properties and benefits.
Lime Paint is a type of paint known for its matte finish and beautiful clouding effect. This paint is easy to apply and creates an authentic, natural look that adds a timeless atmosphere to any room. The matte finish of Lime Paint gives walls a soft, calm look, while the clouding effect adds depth and character. This makes Lime Paint particularly suitable for those who desire a classic and sophisticated look in their interiors.
Mineral Paint, on the other hand, also offers a matte finish, but with a subtle, fine grain that creates a unique texture on surfaces. This paint is distinguished by its versatility: it is suitable for both walls and furniture and can be applied in different ways depending on the desired effect. The texture created by the fine grain gives Mineral Paint a contemporary, tactile look, making it perfect for a more dynamic and modern look.
What's the difference? Although both paints have a matte finish, the main difference lies in the finish, texture, and application. Lime Paint creates a soft, cloudy effect that exudes tranquility and authenticity, ideal for a timeless atmosphere. Suitable exclusively for walls, this paint is applied with a block brush. Mineral Paint offers a matte finish with a subtle texture thanks to its fine grain and is suitable for both walls and furniture. In addition, Mineral Paint allows you to use different techniques to create various effects, from texture retention to smooth stucco finishes.
Whichever choice you make, both paints provide a beautiful, high-quality finish that gives a unique and stylish look to your space.